Hercules Network & Wireless Cards Driver Download

Download Hercules Wireless G USB 2.0 (Network Card) Compatible with IEEE 802.11g high-rate standard with speeds up to 54Mbps data-rate Backward compatible with IEEE 802.11b standard Supports Enterprise-class security with 64/128/256-bit WEP encryption Power saving features and low. Hercules (a.k.a Hercules: The Animated Series) is a spinoff and midquel to the 1997 animated film Hercules that takes on more Greek Mythological characters. The series premiered in syndication on August 31, 1998and on Disney's One Saturday Morning on September 12, 1998. The syndicated series ran 52 episodes while the Saturday morning run ran 13. The series follows teenage Hercules training as.

This page describes how to set up TCP/IP connectivity betweena Hercules machine and the outside world.

Since Hercules runs as a user process under the control of a drivingsystem (usually Linux/x86 or Windows), it does not have directaccess to the driving system's network adapter. This presents aproblem in establishing connectivity between the network and theTCP/IP stack of an operating system running under Hercules.

But thanks to a technique originally demonstrated byWillem Konynenberg, it is possible to establish a virtualpoint-to-point link between the TCP/IP stack running underHercules and the TCP/IP stack of the driving system. Thedriving system is then used as a router to pass IP framesbetween the Hercules TCP/IP stack and the rest of the network,as shown in the following diagram:

The virtual CTC link is provided by the Universal TUN/TAP driverdeveloped by Maxim Krasnyansky. This driver creates a tunnelwhich appears to Hercules as a character device (/dev/tun0 or/dev/net/tun) and appears to the driving system as a virtualnetwork interface (tun0).The Hercules 3088 driver makes the tun device appear asa CTCA (Channel to Channel Adapter) to the S/390 operating systemrunning under Hercules. Each end of the link has its own IPaddress which is distinct from the IP address of the drivingsystem's real network adapter.

The Universal TUN/TAP driver is currently only available for Linux,Solaris, and FreeBSD. However, similar functionality may beobtained on Windows 98/Me/2000/XP systems (but not Windows NT) via theCTCI-W32 protocol.

Installing the TUN/TAP Driver (Linux 2.2)

The Linux 2.2 kernel does not include the TUN/TAP driver, so youneed to install it using the following procedure:

  1. Download the file tun-1.0-1.i386.rpm fromhttp://vtun.sourceforge.net/tun
  2. Install the driver using the following commands:
    (enter the root password when prompted)
    rpm -ivh tun-1.0-1.i386.rpm
    chgrp xxxxx /dev/tun*
    (where xxxxx is the group under which you run Hercules)
    chmod g+w /dev/tun*
    chmod o-r /dev/tun*
  3. Edit the file /etc/modules.conf (it is called /etc/conf.modules in some distributions) and add the following line:
    alias char-major-90 tun
    This causes the TUN/TAP driver to be loaded automatically when a /dev/tun* device is opened by Hercules.

Installing the TUN/TAP Driver (Linux 2.4)

The TUN/TAP driver is delivered as part of the Linux 2.4 kernel, andif you are using one of the popular Linux distributions you will findthat the TUN/TAP driver is already installed. If not, then you mustrebuild the kernel with the configuration option CONFIG_TUN=m specified.

Note that the version of TUN/TAP in Linux 2.4 differs from the earlierversion in that it allows access to all TUN interfaces (tun0, tun1, etc)through a single character device /dev/net/tun, instead of definingmultiple devices /dev/tun0, /dev/tun1, etc.

The procedure for completing the TUN/TAP setup for Linux 2.4 is shown below.

  1. Use these commands to create the TUN device:
    (enter the root password when prompted)
    mkdir /dev/net
    mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200
    chgrp xxxxx /dev/net/tun
    (where xxxxx is the group under which you run Hercules)
    chmod g+rw /dev/net/tun
    chmod o-rw /dev/net/tun
  2. Edit the file /etc/modules.conf (it is called /etc/conf.modules in some distributions) and add the following line:
    alias char-major-10-200 tun
    This causes the TUN/TAP driver to be loaded automatically when the /dev/net/tun device is opened by Hercules.

Installing the TUN/TAP Driver (Linux 2.6)

For distributions based on the Linux 2.6 kernel you will probably find that theTUN/TAP driver is already installed and the /dev/net/tun device is alreadydefined. If not, then follow the procedure for Linux 2.4 as descibed above.

You will certainly need to alter the permissions on the /dev/net/tun deviceto allow Hercules to open it.

  • Use the following commands to set the necessary permissions:
    (enter the root password when prompted)
    chown root:xxxxx /dev/net/tun
    (where xxxxx is the group under which you run Hercules)
    chmod 0660 /dev/net/tun
  • Additional notes from Greg Smith:
    1. I find on my Fedora Core 6 system that I have to add the above 2 commands to /etc/rc.local and update /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules replacing
      KERNEL'tun', NAME='net/%k'
      KERNEL'tun', NAME='net/%k', GROUP='xxxxx', MODE='0660'
    2. In the hercules log you should see /dev/net/tun0 opened. I get a couple of error messages about SIOCDIFADDR and SIOCSIFHWADDR ioctl's failing but these can be ignored (maybe I'll fix that soon).

In Linux 2.6 the file /etc/modules.conf no longer exists,instead there is a file called /etc/modprobe.conf.TUN/TAP will usually work, however, without any change to the modprobeconfiguration.

Configuring the TUN interface

The tun0 network interface in the driving system must be configuredas a point-to-point link. The design of the TUN/TAP driver does notallow the interface to be statically configured like a regular networkinterface — the tun0 interface does not exist until Herculesopens the TUN device. For this reason, Hercules provides a specialprogram called hercifc to configure the tun0 network interface. Thisprogram is launched automatically by Hercules 3088 CTC deviceinitialization.

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To allow the hercifc program to issue the necessary configurationcommands, you must ensure that hercifc is installed with setuid rootfile permissions. When Hercules is built with theconfiguration option --enable-setuid-hercifc, make installwill install hercifc in /usr/local/bin with setuid root permissions.Note: Unrestricted access to the hercifc program could present apotential security exposure, so you will want to ensure that hercifccan be executed only by the group which is authorized to run Hercules.The following commands alter the file permissions to ensure that onlyusers in a trusted group can execute hercifc:
(enter the root password when prompted)
chgrp xxxxx /usr/local/bin/hercifc
(where xxxxx is the group under which you run Hercules)
chmod 4750 /usr/local/bin/hercifc

Enabling IP forwarding

You must ensure that your kernel is enabled for IP forwarding.Popular Linux distributions usually have a configuration optionto enable IP forwarding or routing:

  • For RedHat, specify net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 in the /etc/sysctl.conf file.
  • For SuSE, specify IP_FORWARD='yes' in the /etc/rc.config file.
  • If you cannot find this option in your distribution, the following command should work on any Linux 2.x kernel:
    echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
Hercules network & wireless cards driver download free

Defining a route to Hercules TCP/IP

Client systems which connect to TCP/IP applications running inthe Hercules machine need to have a routing entry which definesthe driving system as the gateway into the Hercules system. Anexample route definition for a Unix client system is shown below:

For a Windows client, go to Settings -> Control Panel -> Network ->Configuration -> TCP/IP -> Properties -> Gatewayand add the driving system's IP address to the list of gateways.Alternatively, enter a route command such as:

If you want to avoid having to update client systems, another wayis to add an appropriate routing entry to your default gateway router. Enigma software driver download.

Defining the link in Hercules

You must define a CTC device pair in the Hercules configurationfile. The second device must bear the same definition as the 1st instance and be at device number + 1. The 1st device number must be even.Devices should preferably be grouped (furthermore, it makes the configuration file easier to read).

0E20.2 CTCI
0E20,0E21 CTCI
0E20-0E21 CTCI

Check Device Definition Statement syntax for an explanation of device grouping.

Two IP addresses must be assigned, one for the driving system'send of the link, and one for the Hercules end of the link. Forthis example I have chosen for the Hercules IPaddress, and for the driving system's IP address.Since this is a point-to-point link, any addresses may be chosen,provided that the network part of the address (192.168.200 inthis example) does not conflict with any existing networkaddresses used in your IP network.

Configuring the Hercules TCP/IP stack


This is an example of the configuration statements which you needto include in the IPINIT00.L member of PRD1.BASE:

The CTC devices should be defined to VSE using the followingstatements in the $IPLxxx.PROC procedure in IJSYSRS.SYSLIB:

TCP/IP for OS/390 or VM/ESA

This is an example of the configuration statements which you needto include in the TCPIP.PROFILE.TCPIP dataset (OS/390), or in thePROFILE TCPIP file on TCPMAINT 198 (VM):

For OS/390, the CTC devices need to be defined as device type 3088 inthe IODF. Use the D U,CTC command to find out which 3088addresses are defined in your IODF.

For VM, the CTC devices must be attached to the TCPIP virtual machine.

Because TCP/IP uses long running channel programs, the missing interrupthandler should be disabled for the CTC devices.For OS/390, add this statement in PARMLIB member IECIOS00:

For VM, add this command to the PROFILE EXEC file of OPERATOR 191:

Linux for S/390

This is an example of the network definitions which you needin a Linux/390 system running under Hercules:

Linux/390 will autodetect the CTC devices E20 and E21at startup and will assign the interface name ctc0.

What to do if TUN/TAP doesn't work

Dazzle usb devices driver download. Check the following (thanks to Richard Higson for this checklist):

  1. Enter the command ls -l /dev/tun0 /dev/net/tun.
    For Linux 2.4, the response should be:
    ls: /dev/tun0: No such file or directory
    crw-rw---- 1 root xxxxx 10, 200 Sep 13 07:06 /dev/net/tun

    For Linux 2.2, the response should be:
    crw-rw---- 1 root xxxxx 90, 0 Feb 3 2001 /dev/tun0
    ls: /dev/net/tun: No such file or directory

    (xxxxx should be the group under which you run Hercules).
  2. ls -l /usr/local/bin/hercifc should show
    -rwsr-x--- 1 root xxxxx 17333 Dec 31 20:55 /usr/local/bin/hercifc

    (xxxxx should be the group under which you run Hercules).
  3. When hercules comes up, and before IPLing your favorite OS, verify that you have your underlying network stuff up and ready to roar:
  4. `cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward` should show '1'. If it doesn't, your L386 won't forward (route) packets at all.
  5. Is the TUN/TAP driver loaded?
    1. TUN/TAP compiled into the kernel (`make menuconfig`) look for 'CONFIG_TUN=m' in /usr/src/linux
    2. `lsmod` after starting hercules should show tun 3456 2 (autoclean)
  6. Look for
    Dec 14 16:47:19 wie kernel: Universal TUN/TAP device driver 1.3 (C)1999-2000
    Maxim Krasnyansky

    in syslog after starting hercules

Last updated $Date: 2007-01-31 11:06:10 -0600 (Wed, 31 Jan 2007) $ $Revision: 4282 $

SDL Hercules 4.x Hyperion

This web page provides information regarding the SoftDevLabs (SDL) version of Hercules 4.x, code named

Hercules Network App


The official Web Site for the SDL version of Hyperion:

The official web site for the SDL version of Hercules 4.x Hyperion can be reached at the following URL:
Online documentation for the SDL version of Hercules 4.x Hyperion
The above web site contains reference documentation for the SDL version of Hercules 4.x Hyperion, which contains features, functionality and fixes that are neither in the current spinhawk production version of Hercules nor in the original 4.0 Hyperion version of Hercules.

PDF Manuals: (obsolete)

Some people find it more convenient for their reference documentation to be in the form of PDF manuals rather than via online web pages.
The following are links to PDF manuals containing technical information pertaining to the original 4.0 Hyperion version of Hercules (not the SDL version): Note: the above PDF manuals might not exactly match the online documentation for the SDL version of Hercules, but for the time being they should be very close. The online documentation for my version however should always be correct. Please let me know if you discover it's not.

Issue Tracker: (i.e. Bug Reports)

Should you discover any bugs or have any issues using the SDL version of Hercules 4.x Hyperion, you can directly report them by adding a new entry to SDL's GitHub Issue issue tracker database at the following URL:

Community Wiki:

GitHub, which hosts the source code repository for my version of Hercules 4.x Hyperion, provides a Wiki feature that allows you the users to participate in helping make this version an even better version than it already is. Please consider helping out by contributing your knowledge to the effort.
The SoftDevLabs Hercules 4.x Hyperion Wiki(Please help by contributing your knowledge!)
The SoftDevLabs Hercules 4.x Hyperion Wiki is intended to provide additional documentation such as Tips and Tricks that may be of interest to its user community. I strongly encourage users to help the user community (and themselves!) by contributing to the Wiki. It will only ever be as good as you help make it!

Source Code Repository:

The complete source code for the SDL version of Hercules 4.x Hyperion is maintained in a git project source code repository hosted on GitHub:

Building the SDL version of Hercules 4.x Hyperion

If you wish to build the SDL version of Hercules 4.x Hyperion for yourself from its distributed source code you need to first 'clone' the git repository ('git clone ..' command) and then follow the build instructions on the following web page:
Building the SDL version Hercules from Source

Pre-built Binaries:

Current and previous releases of SDL Hyperion 4.x should always be downloaded from the official GitHub SDL Hyperion 'Releases' web page:
  • All Releases
Prior pre-built versions of SDL Hyperion are no longer being offered from the SoftDevLabs web site.

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