Drivers Ganis

United States v. Ganias

Driver Genius is a comprehensive application that scans your system for driver problems. It can then download the drivers you require and updates your system accordingly. It can also backup and update your drivers in a few clicks. Driver Genius has a clean user interface that gives you plenty of information without looking too cluttered. The Court found that it was unlawful for a police officer to detain a driver for the sole purpose of conducting a 'sniff' test after the traffic stop was completed. The Supreme Court rejected the Government's argument that extending the stop to wait for a dog to search for drugs was 'only a de minimis' intrusion of Fourth Amendment rights.

Concerning Whether Courts Have Jurisdiction to Review Cases Brought Based on Violations of Federal Statutory Rights
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The key issue in United States v.Ganias is whether the government may retain and search copies of electronic files, given that the files were not covered by the warrant under which they were seized. Due to the volume and complexity of digital data, courts have often recognized the need to over-seize electronic data and later review for relevant information off-site. However, the Fourth Amendment’s guarantee against unreasonable search and seizures places into question the subsequent retention and searches of information not covered by the original warrant.

The Second Circuit ruled that the government violated Stavros Ganias’s Fourth Amendment rights when it seized his personal computer records and retained them for more than two-and-a-half years. The government may not “possess indefinitely” Ganias’s records that were beyond the scope of the original warrant while it looked for other evidence to give it reason to search the files again.

The Second Circuit decided to rehear this case en banc, with oral argument to be held on September 30, 2015.

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  • EPIC Warns Appellate Court of Google’s Flawed, Secretive, Massive File Scanning Program »(Mar. 29, 2019)
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  • Congressional Research Service: Kavanaugh has a 'more restrictive view' of the Fourth Amendment »(Aug. 27, 2018)
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  • Supreme Court to Review Two Cases on Communications Privacy »(Oct. 16, 2017)
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  • Supreme Court to Hear Two Fourth Amendment Cases »(Sep. 28, 2017)
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  • Senate to Consider Nomination of Senator Sessions for Attorney General »(Jan. 9, 2017)
    Tomorrow the Senate Judiciary Committee will begin hearings on the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. EPIC submitted a statement to the Committee, which stated “Senator Sessions’ record regarding the privacy rights of Americans raises serious questions about his selection as Attorney General.” EPIC pointed to Sessions’ support for warrantless surveillance of the American people and opposition to government oversight. Senator Sessions also opposed Apple in its dispute with the FBI and failed to support efforts to modernize the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The Lawyers for Good Government also raised concerns about Senator Session’s support for the Privacy Act, the Freedom of Information Act, as well as his independence to “prosecute all criminal acts including those that may implicate the President of the United States.”
  • EPIC Urges Massachusetts High Court to Protect Email Privacy »(Oct. 24, 2016)
    EPIC has filed an amicus brief in the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court regarding email privacy. At issue is Google's scanning of the email of non-Gmail users. EPIC argued that this is prohibited by the Massachusetts Wiretap Act. EPIC described Google's complex scanning and analysis of private communications, concluding that it was far more invasive than the interception of a telephone communications, prohibited by state law. A federal court in California recently ruled that non-Gmail users may sue Google for violation of the state wiretap law. EPIC has filed many amicus briefs in federal and state courts and participated in the successful litigation of a cellphone privacy case before the Massachusetts Judicial Court. The EPIC State Policy Project is based in Somerville, Massachusetts.
  • Supreme Court Weakens Fourth Amendment Protections During Police Stops »(Jun. 20, 2016)
    In Utah v. Strieff, the U.S. Supreme Court held today that an outstanding arrest warrant can attenuate “the connection between an unlawful stop and the evidence seized incident to arrest.” The holding reverses the Utah Supreme Court, which had suppressed evidence obtained by an officer who stopped Strieff illegally and ran his ID to look for outstanding warrants. EPIC and 22 technical experts filed an amicus brief, warning the Court that reversing the Utah court would allow vast amounts of personal data stored in government databases—much of it inaccurate—to provide post hoc justification for unlawful seizures.
  • Federal Court Leaves Digital Search Law Unresolved »(May. 27, 2016)
    A federal appeals court ruled today that the government did not violate the Fourth Amendment by keeping a copy of files for more than two years after an investigation because it acted in 'good faith.' EPIC argued that the government must adopt data minimization practices and that the use of evidence was unlawful. In a dissenting opinion, Judge Chin wrote that the search violated the Fourth Amendment.
  • Supreme Court Approves Remote Computer Hacking by Police »(Apr. 28, 2016)
    The U.S. Supreme Court has voted to approve changes to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, which will allow judges to issue 'remote access' warrants. These warrants authorize mass computer searches, even when the targets are outside the jurisdiction of the court. EPIC criticized the proposal in a statement last year, arguing that the procedure enables searches outside traditional Fourth Amendment requirements and would not provide adequate notice to those subject to search. Congress can amend or reject the proposal. Senator Ron Wyden said today he would introduce legislation to reverse the proposal.
  • Supreme Court to Consider Fourth Amendment ID-Check Case »(Feb. 22, 2016)
    The Supreme Court will hear arguments today in Utah v. Strieff. At issue is the use of evidence obtained from government databases following an illegal police stop. In a brief signed by twenty-one technical experts and legal scholars, EPIC warned about the vast amount of personal data, much of it inaccurate, stored in government databases and pointed to the failure of the Justice Department to enforce Privacy Act safeguards. EPIC argued that 'a diminished Fourth Amendment standard coupled with a weakened Privacy Act is truly a recipe for a loss of liberty in America.' EPIC had filed amicus briefs in several related Supreme Court cases, including Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District, Tolentino v. New York, and Herring v. U.S.
  • EPIC Urges Supreme Court to Uphold Fourth Amendment Safeguards for Police Stops »(Jan. 29, 2016)
    EPIC has filed a 'friend-of-the-court' brief in Utah v. Strieff, a U.S. Supreme Court case about whether the Fourth Amendment allows evidence to be admitted after an illegal stop. Mr. Strieff was unlawfully detained by an officer, who checked his ID and then arrested him on an unrelated outstanding warrant. In a brief, signed by twenty-one technical experts and legal scholars, EPIC detailed a number of sweeping government databases that contain inaccurate and detailed records about Americans' noncriminal activity. EPIC argued that 'a diminished Fourth Amendment standard coupled with a weakened Privacy Act is truly a recipe for a loss of liberty in America.' EPIC previously argued against compelled identification during police stops in Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District and Tolentino v. New York.
  • Senate Considers Modest Updates to ECPA »(Sep. 16, 2015)
    The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on proposed amendments to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The bill under consideration would establish a warrant requirement for the disclosure of electronic communications. The ECPA Amendments Act would also require notice to customers whose communications have been collected. Senator Leahy said that passage of the bill should be a 'no brainer.' But the bill stops short of several updates recommended by EPIC, including protections for location data, data minimization requirements, and end-to-end encryption for commercial e-mail services.
  • In Appellate Brief, EPIC Argues for Limitations on Government Digital Searches »(Jul. 30, 2015)
    In an amicus brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, EPIC argued that there are Constitutional limits on government searches of electronic storage devices. EPIC urged affirmance of United States v. Ganias, which held that the Government violated the Fourth Amendment by retaining files seized years earlier. After the government appealed, the court agreed to rehear the case. EPIC argued that data minimization practices should be followed for electronic searches, particularly after the Supreme Court's decision in Riley v. California. EPIC endorsed the approach set out in United States v. Comprehensive Drug Testing, which allows a government agency to undertake appropriate searches without unnecessarily violating privacy interests. In Quon v. City of Ontario, CA (2012), EPIC recommended that the Supreme Court adopt a similar approach.
  • Supreme Court Limits Traffic Stop Searches »(Apr. 21, 2015)
    The Supreme Court issued its opinion today in Rodriguez v. United States, a Fourth Amendment case involving the use of a drug-detection dog during a traffic stop. The Court found that it was unlawful for a police officer to detain a driver for the sole purpose of conducting a 'sniff' test after the traffic stop was completed. The Supreme Court rejected the Government's argument that extending the stop to wait for a dog to search for drugs was 'only a de minimis' intrusion of Fourth Amendment rights. EPIC previously filed an amicus brief in Florida v. Harris, a similar case before the Supreme Court concerning the use of canines for drug detection, arguing that the Fourth Amendment requires routine testing of investigatory techniques to assess reliability and establish reasonableness.
  • Advisory Committee Approves Rules to Expand Police Hacking Authority »(Mar. 18, 2015)
    According to a news report, a committee of the Federal Judicial Conference voted on Monday to approve changes to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. Under the revised rule, judges could issue 'remote access' warrants authorizing law enforcement to search computers remotely, even when the target is outside the jurisdiction of the court. EPIC criticized the proposal in a statement presented by EPIC Senior Counsel Alan Butler last fall, arguing that the rules would not provide adequate notice as required under the Fourth Amendment. EPIC previously filed an amicus brief on a similar issue, the delivery of warrants via facimile. The decision of the advisory committee is only one of several steps before the change is adopted by the judiciary.
  • Wikimedia Sues NSA Over Mass Internet Surveillance »(Mar. 10, 2015)
    Wikimedia filed a federal lawsuit against the NSA over the mass surveillance of Internet communications. Wikimedia asked the court to halt the government's upstream collection—the practice of directly tapping into the Internet backbone that carries communications across the U.S. Wikimedia argues that upstream collection exceeds statutory authority and violates the First and Fourth Amendments, as well as Article III of the Constitution. Explaining the case, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales wrote, 'Privacy is an essential right. It makes freedom of expression possible, and sustains freedom of inquiry and association.' In 2013, EPIC petitioned the Supreme Court to stop the NSA's bulk telephone metadata program.
  • Supreme Court to Hear Case About Enhanced Search Techniques »(Jan. 6, 2012)
    The US Supreme Court has decided to reviewFlorida v. Jardines, a case that addresses whether a dog sniff at the front door of a home is a search that requires probable cause. This case follows Illinois v. Caballes, a 2005 case in which the Court held that a dog sniff around a car during a routine traffic stop was not a search. The Florida Supreme Court ruled that Caballes was inapplicable in the case, and that a dog sniff in front of a home is a Fourth Amendment search. This case also implicates the government's use of 'enhanced' investigative techniques that are designed to detect contraband. Because these techniques are imperfect and also allow the government to search for material that is not illegal, EPIC has argued that a Fourth Amendment probable cause standard should apply. For more information, see EPIC: EPIC v. DHS (Airport Body Scanners).
  • Federal Appeals Court Holds Individuals Have a Right to Record Public Officials »(Sep. 1, 2011)
    In a case concerning the arrest of a person who used a cell phone camera to film a police officer, the First Circuit Court of Appeals has held in Glik v. City of Boston that the First Amendment protects 'the filming of government officials engaged in their duties in a public place.' The Court found that members of the public enjoy the same rights as credentialed members of the press, stating that 'the public's right of access to information is coextensive with the press.' The Court further held that, in arresting Glik, the City of Boston violated the Fourth Amendment probable cause requirement as there was no reason to believe that Gilk had violated any state law. EPIC agreed that the Massachusetts state wiretap law was not intended to limit the ability of the public to record police activity, but did not file an amicus brief in the case. For more information, see EPIC: EPIC Amicus Curiae Briefs.
  • Supreme Court: Strip-Search of Teenager Violated Constitutional Rights »(Jun. 25, 2009)
    The Supreme Court delivered a 8-1 opinion ruling that astrip-search of a thirteen-year-old girl by school officialslooking for an ibuprofen tablet violated the Fourth Amendment.Justice Souter writing for the Court held that the search wasunreasonable and that school searches are permissible when they are'not excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of thestudent and the nature of the infraction.' But a majority of theJustices also said that the school officials were not liable fordamages because it had not been 'clearly established' that thesearch was unlawful. Justices Stevens and Ginsburg disagreed andsaid that a previous Supreme Court case made clear that the searchwas 'excessively intrusive.' Justice Thomas wrote in dissent thatthe search was permissible. See also EPIC's page on StudentPrivacy.

Questions Presented

1. Whether the Fourth Amendment was violated when, pursuant to a warrant, the government seized and cloned three computer hard drives containing both responsive and non-responsive files, retained the cloned hard drives for some two-and-a-half years, and then searched the non-responsive files pursuant to a subsequently issued warrant.

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2. Considering all relevant factors, whether the government agents in this case acted reasonably and in good faith such that the files obtained from the cloned hard drives should not be suppressed.


Stavros Ganias owned an accounting practice in Connecticut. In 2003, the Army obtained a warrant to search Ganias’s offices for evidence of fraud. During its search, the Army made “identical copies, or forensic mirror images, of the hard drives of all three of Ganias’s computers.” Thirteen months later, the government finished reviewing the relevant materials but continued to keep files not covered by the Army warrant. Almost two-and-a-half years later, in 2006, the government obtained another warrant to search the stored files as part of a new IRS tax evasion investigation.

Using this evidence, the government prosecuted Ganias in the District Court for the District of Connecticut. A jury convicted Ganias of tax evasion. Ganias appealed in the Second Circuit, which vacated his conviction. The Second Circuit held that, under the Fourth Amendment, the government may not indefinitely possess records beyond the scope of the Army warrant while looking for other evidence to give it reason to search the files again. On June 29, 2015, the Second Circuit decided to rehear the appeal en banc. Oral argument will be heard on September 30, 2015.

EPIC's Interest

EPIC has long advocated for application of the “interception” standard to email, and filed a 2004 amicus brief on this issue in U.S. v. Councilman.

EPIC also supports the framework established by the Ninth Circuit in Comprehensive Drug Testing to address the scope of electronic data searches—including the obligations of minimizing and deleting non-pertinent data after the search is conducted. EPIC recently addressed the CDT framework in its brief in Quon v. City of Ontario, CA.

More recently, EPIC filed a brief in Riley v. California, advocating for greater Fourth Amendment protections for digital data. And the Supreme Court in a unanimous opinion agreed, finding that the traditional rule governing the seizure of physical items incident to a lawful arrest does not authorize a search of the digital contents of a seized cell phone.

Legal Documents

United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, No. 12-240-cr.

  • En Banc Opinion (May 27, 2016)
  • Judge Lohier, Concurring Opinion (May 27, 2016)
  • Judge Chin, Dissenting Opinion (May 27, 2016)
  • Order Granting Hearing En Banc, United States v. Ganias, No. 12-240-CR, 2015 WL 3939426 (2d Cir. June 29, 2015).
    • Amicus Curiae Briefs in Support of Appellant Ganias
  • United States v. Ganias, 755 F.3d 125 (2d Cir. 2014).
    • Reply Brief of Defendant-Appellant Stavros M. Ganias, United States v. Ganias, No. 3:08CR00224 AWT, (D. Conn. June 24, 2011), 2012 WL 5893998.
    • Brief for the United States of America, United States v. Ganias, No. 3:08CR00224 AWT, (D. Conn. June 24, 2011), 2012 WL 5462776.
    • Brief of Defendant-Appellant Stavros M. Ganias, United States v. Ganias, No. 3:08CR00224 AWT, (D. Conn. June 24, 2011), 2012 WL 3144068.

United States District Court for the District of Connecticut, No. 08-cr-224

  • Ruling on Motions for New Trial & for Reconsideration, United States v. Ganias, No. 08-224, 2011 WL 4738684 (D. Conn. Oct. 5, 2011).
  • United States v. Ganias, No. 08-224, 2011 WL 3563104 (D. Conn. Aug. 12, 2011).
  • Ruling on Motion to Suppress Evidence, United States v. Ganias, No. 08-224, 2011 WL 2532396 (D. Conn. June 24, 2011).

Relevant Publications

  • Alan Butler, Get A Warrant: The Supreme Court’s New Course for Digital Privacy Rights after Riley v. California, 10 Duke J. of Const. L. & Pub. Pol'y 45 (2015)
  • Privacy In The Modern Age: The Search For Solutions (2015)
  • Bruce Schneier, Data And Goliath (2014)
  • Blake Anthony Klinkner, Digital Evidence and the Fourth Amendment: United States v. Ganias and Judicial Recognition of the 'Right to Deletion', The Wyo. Law. 52 (2015)
  • Harvard Law Review, Second Circuit Creates A Potential 'Right to Deletion' of Imaged Hard Drives., 128 Harv. L. Rev. 743 (2014)
  • Ian M. Comisky, Matthew D. Lee, and Bridget Mayer, Second Circuit Finds Fourth Amendment Violation in Law Enforcement Retention of Computer Files Not Within Scope of Search Warrant, Tax Controversy Watch (2014)
  • United States v. Ganias, Day Pitney LLP (2014)
  • Barry A. Bohrer and Michael L. Yaeger, 2nd Circuit Limits Government Searches of Electronic Records, 20 Westlaw J. 10 (2014)


  • Andrew Crocker, Appeals Court Avoids Hard Questions About the “Collect It All” Approach to Computer Searches, EFF (Jun. 3, 2016)
  • Bernie Pazanowski, Copied Hard Drive Retention Ruling Deleted by Full 2d Cir., Bloomberg BNA (Jun. 2, 2016)
  • Michael Knapp, Oral Argument Recap: United States v. Ganias, Lawfare (Oct. 1, 2016)
  • Michael Knapp, Backgrounder on Second Circuit En Banc Rehearing on Data Retention, Lawfare (Sep. 29, 2015)
  • Lance Duroni, 2nd Circ. To Rehear Appeal On Data Seizure In Tax Case, Law360 (June 29, 2015)
  • More news

  • Michael Knapp, Second Circuit Grants Rehearing in United States v. Ganias, LAWFARE (July 6, 2015)
  • Brian Browdie, Search of seized hard drives highlights questions of privacy in a digital age, Blog of Brian Browdie (Dec. 3, 2014)
  • Orin Kerr, Second Circuit grants rehearing in Ganias computer search and seizure case, Washington Post (June 29, 2014)
  • Orin Kerr, Commentary on the Ganias case, Washington Post (June 24, 2014)
  • Babak Siavoshy, US v. Ganias and the Fourth Amendment right to delete, Concurring Opinions (June 24, 2014)
  • Joe Wolverton, II, Court Rules Feds Cannot Indefinitely Hold Seized Computer Files, The New American (June 21, 2104)
  • Orin Kerr, Court adopts a Fourth Amendment right to the deletion of non-responsive computer files, Washington Post (June 18, 2014)
  • Mike Masnick, Court Says Feds Violated 4th Amendment By Holding Onto Suspect's Computer Data Too Long, techdirt (June 18, 2014)
  • Patrick Howell O'Neill, It is illegal for police to blindly seize all your computer files, court rules, The Daily Dot (June 18, 2014)
  • Michael Smith, Second Circuit Holds That Fourth Amendment Limits Government's Retention of Computer Files, Michael Smith's Law Blog (June 17, 2014)
  • Alison Frankel, En banc 2nd Circuit to clarify when computer seizures are unconstitutional, Reuters (July 1, 2015)

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It’s no secret that the American population continues to age as medical advances and greater knowledge about how to stay healthy emerge.

But longevity creates other problems, such as providing services to the aging population that previously may not have been needed.

One service whose popularity is steadily increasing in Westchester is RideConnect, a Family Services of Westchester program that provides free transportation by volunteer drivers to residents 60 years old and over, most of whom are on fixed incomes or who can no longer drive. They are taken to doctors’ appointments, shopping, religious services or social visits anywhere in the county or southern Putnam.

However, the demand for RideConnect, which is based in Mount Kisco, far exceeds the service’s ability to find enough volunteer drivers, said its Director Karen Ganis.

Last week, Ganis and RideConnect’s Mobility Manager Marietta Manoni appealed for more volunteers. It doesn’t have to be a time-consuming commitment, but if someone can provide just one ride a week that would help keep up with the demand.


“Whatever they’re willing to do we’re willing to have it because we have so many people looking for rides to everything, to doctors’ appointments, to grocery shopping, to church, to synagogue,” Ganis said. “We even have a client who herself is a volunteer.” Dsgltd driver.

In 2012, RideConnect’s first year, there were 993 rides and referrals to other agencies. Last year that number mushroomed to 15,971 rides and referrals, according to Ganis.

However, RideConnect, which receives about 80 percent of its funding from the federal government and most of the balance from Westchester County, currently has a roster of only about 150 volunteers, she said.

Ganis said that some of the drivers still work while others are retirees. There is a strong vetting process to screen volunteer drivers, who can be from 21 to 80 years old. They must pass a background check and have a clean driving record.

Aside from saving seniors from prohibitively expensive livery service providers, it is common for volunteers and clients to form friendships, Manoni said.

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“It’s also a comfort level,” she said. “With us, we’re kind of a little mom and pop shop, so they’re very comfortable with our volunteers.

“Our volunteers may be strangers, but not for long,” Manoni added.

Ganis said the satisfaction many of the volunteer drivers derive from helping people who might otherwise be house-bound is its own gift.

“The volunteers will tell you they get as much as they give,” Ganis said. “The stories they get from the clients are funny. A lot of them are World War II veterans and have unbelievable stories to share. Depression-era babies who can tell you about going through some hard times. I think our volunteers get a lot out of it.”

Garrison resident Tom Brennan, a retire college instructor at St. Thomas Aquinas in Sparkill, said he volunteers whenever he can and finds the seniors incredibly friendly and grateful.

“You can’t believe how appreciative these people are,” said Brennan, who drives in northern Westchester. “We’re like a lifeline to their doorstep.”

Della Howell of Mahopac, also a retiree who has been volunteering for close to three years, said she cherishes her time driving, talking with the passengers and learning.

“They’re as important to me as I am to them,” Howell said.

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Volunteers can operate any kind of vehicle. For more information on volunteer opportunities, contact Karen Ganis ant 914-242-7433 or visit

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